Sunday, December 14, 2008

Here is More Holiday Cheer

Just realized that I never gave you guys a peek at the afore mentioned tree in all her glory:

Taye put the star on top this one. Great job, I might add.
This tree is our Family tree. It is
the tree we put our oranaments we bought on vacations and our yearly ornaments.
This year's ornaments are a basketball for ST (for his first year of Upward), a pirate for Taye (obvious reaons) a handpainted local artist ornanment for Dumplin's first Christmas, and a princess for Mam (again obvious reasons).
This tree is also a perfectly imperfect tree. I literally let the kids decorate it however they want. If you look closely, there are a lot of ornaments in concentrated areas. I love that the only ornaments that made it to the top are the ones Al and I hung. Perfectly Imperfect...

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Delta Kelly said...

wow - you really are blogging again!
good job and fun to see all the renfroe holiday festivities:)
loved seeing you yesterday and wish it could have been longer

The Reeves Family said...

Looks a little like my tree except for the fact we have NO ornaments at the bottom because Kate has pulled them off and I have re-hung them higher. It is a little top heavy!