Sunday, December 14, 2008

Caution: This Post Contains Wheat, Egg, Milk, & John Parker Wilson Products

Chef ST is at it again:

Just settled in for "The Wonder Pets Save the Nutcracker."
We had a wonderful early Christmas breakfast prep-ed by Chef ST and Sous-Chef Daddy.
The Menu:
Apple Cinnamon Smiley-face Pancakes (ST helped draw the faces)
Daddy's Awesome eggs (Is it to early for Dumplin' to have Tony's on her eggs?)

Hot Chocolate
and Reindeer Cookies

This past Friday ST had the Polar Express Day at school. The kindergarteners wore pjs to school. Granna came in clutch with these babies and not a moment too soon.

I am sure when she arrived to take him to school, Al had him in 5 inch too short pj pants and an "I love Chicks" tee-shirt.

Think I am kidding? I present Exhibits A and B taken last night: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree:

Thanks, Granna, you saved the day, as his class went to "the big school" to watch the second grade play.
It was cool for the second graders to look like penguins, not for a random kindergarten spectator, whose mommy obviously needs to buy him new pjs!

**Note: the blurry photographs are the work of our budding photographer/self portrait artist.

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1 comment:

The Reeves Family said...

Love it!! Ben wants one of those "red" JPW jerseys. I have to find one his size. We have the white one! BTW I met Nick Walker #88 and got is autograph for the kids!! Too Cool!!