Sunday, March 16, 2008

Get Your Game On

Taye is gearing up for the final 4:
And, it's tee-ball time again! We are excited to get to play on a team with a bunch of cousins again. We have been very fortunate that for both tee-ball and soccer we have been able to play with both family and friends. It sure makes it easier for grandma, as she doesn't have to bounce from field to field!

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Duane and Kim said...

What's your email? I want to send you some pics and get your opinion. Your kids are cute, can't believe they're so old!

nick, robyn and taylor said...

Is that Mam in the background looking as if she's peeing in the bucket? :)

Laura said...

It's not Mam, but, she is part Renfroe. Especially the part about using the restroom outside. (My boys LOVE to) It's our cousin Dana Kate.