Monday, February 18, 2008

When It's Carnival Time, Everybody's Happy

Here are some pics of the kids celebrating Mardi Gras! The boys had a blast at their very first Mardi Gras parade. Mom and Dad thanks for all of the junk.

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Jessie said...

Oh Laura! I am so glad you emailed me. I just looked at your blog and am amazed by you. I would love to hang out and watch you love your kids - I can imagine you are a wonderful mom!

I would also love for you to view my blog. It is private, so I will send you an invite email. When you get that email, just click on the links to create a blogger/gmail account and it will let you sign in. Then whenever you want to check it, you just sign back in w/ your user name and password on that same page.

Actually, I have to have your email address to send you an invite. Email me directly from there at

Love ya!

Parks Avenue said...

I fell out laughing at your comment about the Picou's! The funny thing is, Scott and I talk about them all the time because there's a painting in Dr. Plessala's exam room by a guy named Ron Picou. Since I spent so much time at the doctor, we reminisced quite often about the Picou's! Thanks for the laugh!

Matt, Carrie, Lucy and Molly Allen said...

Hey Guys! It's Matt. How ironic that you remembered that day, because I was just telling some other pregnant friend of ours how we were almost responsible for pre term labor w/ ST because you were laughing so hard. You just reminded me that it was my 1st original composition that I was singing to you titled "Yes, we have no bananas!" hahaha. On another note, we miss you guys alot more than you miss us! I religiously call Al every time we come into the city limits of Troy in hopes we can get together like old times yet something usually comes up. I believe last time, one of your children had blood vessels bursting all over? We would love to make a trip to visit you guys or vise versa....let us know when a good time is.

Laura said...

Ok Matt, someone who doesn't know the Renfroe's is phoning DHR as I type. I have to qualify that "busting blood vessel" episode, because Taye is the Watkins Youngblood of my children, and he recently broke his upper jaw (who is that knocking at my door? CPS?)Neither Al nor I were doing the blood vessel "busting." Not only is he the Watkins of the bunch, he has super-powers. That is right folks. Taye has the ability to catch every little known ailment (busting blood vessels= HSP, google it) and to break impossible bone to break. "So you see Mr. Officer, what my friend Matt was trying to say, is we haven't seen them in a while, and it isn't our fault he tries to leap tall buildings in a single bound. It's on account of his super power."

Matt, Carrie, Lucy and Molly Allen said...

Dearest Renfroes and Mr. Officer..I never meant to insinuate that either Al or Laura were responsible for the blood vessel explosion episode....what I meant to say is that we miss them very much and pray that nothing can stop us from seeing them when we come to Troy next!....I can't wait to meet the rest of the family! I hope they like elmo, because uncle Matt talks in elmo dialect these days. You guys should be commended with high honors for being parents of four! we need advice on how to handle more than one....I will call Al if we can get away and we will come stay with you guys, that is if you have room for 3 more!

Parks Avenue said...

my email address is:

Lindsey said...

hey laura! it's lindsey salter! i've been checking your blog for awhile but just wanted to say congrats on #4. you have a beautiful family. hope you are recovering well! tell al steven and i said hello!

Amy said...

hey friends, i made beef straganoff tonight for some friends and it made me miss you guys. Hope all is well. We love you guys

Michael and Kim said...

Hey Laura,
I just found your blog. Congrats on the newest addition to your family. Your kids are just beautiful. Check out my blog

Duane and Kim said...

Laura, we're about to restain our floors and I was looking at how dark they are and really like them. People tell me that they show dirt so much like that but I like dark floors. What do you think about yours?

Duane and Kim said...

The living room is veneer but is oak, the hall is hardwood 3/4" oak. What brand and color is your stain?