Friday, January 25, 2008

The Blogs I Regularly Stalk

It is official...I am a blog stalker. I first noticed when I changed my evening routine to include "just checking so-and-so's blog before bed." The stalker status came when I HAD to check them before bed, now it is part of my evening routine. I am not really sure if other people do that, so I am a little reluctant to admit it. I flew under the radar for a little while by only linking their blog sites to my favorites, now, I am ready to come out of the closet and admit my obsession. I am guessing that because I find these blogs interesting, other people will as well:

First, there is Melissa's blog, she is the author of "Whack-a-Mole." She and her husband have a ministry in Dallas similar to Delta and BK's. Check out her post on naming the family's new dog. It is hilarious.

Then there are several design blogs I love. I am reluctant to put these down, as I have a file of ideas that I may "borrow" off of these sites, whenever my ship comes in. Oh well, I guess I don't need to be selfish...
Urban Grace

Design Mom

This one's always fun too...

I am always in the mood for this one

Kid's Crafts! Yeah!

I really like this blog, that I found while looking for ideas for a birth announcement...

For a daily dose of pure humility and a look into a truly sweet walk with Jesus, check out this blog...

This blog was linked to urban grace interior's blog and we were also connected by Jenissa I became slightly obsessed with the renovation of their house, as it is moving faster than my own renovation. I am hanging by a thread until she gets pics up of the finished home!
Check out her kitchen!

There you have it folks! These are the ones of the people I don't know. Of course I do like to stalk the blogs of those I do know. Except my friend Jessie's blog. Anyone know how to get into that thing? It's locked up like Fort Knox. I have been regularly adding more sites to my nightly "just checking." I will post on them later.

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1 comment:

Jessie said...

Hey - just email me at I will let you in!

I am so glad you emailed me. I just looked at your blog and am amazed by you. I would love to hang out and watch you love your kids - I can imagine you are a wonderful mom!

I would also love for you to view my blog. It is private, so I will send you an invite email. When you get that email, just click on the links to create a blogger/gmail account and it will let you sign in. Then whenever you want to check it, you just sign back in w/ your user name and password on that same page.