Thursday, December 20, 2007

Here is where my perfectionism takes over...

So, I have been having a hard time trying to type new info. about our lives into my shiny new blog. It isn't that nothing is going on, and I visit the site daily, it's just so pretty...TODAY IS THE DAY I am going to add something, hopefully of interest. The Renfroes have been busy little elves these past few weeks. And, for people who love Christmas as much as we do, this has been tons of fun. The kids are getting super excited, and, are now out of "school" until January. Taye and I went to the grocery store yesterday and the check out girl asked him if he had seen Santa. He told her that he had seen him that morning. She asked him if Santa asked if he had been good or bad this year. Taye said, "He did." She asked him what he told him. Taye thought carefully for a minute and said, "I said, 'You wanna know what my momma says? She says, sometimes I am good and sometimes I am not." Now, I don't recall telling him, or Santa for that matter, these exact words, however, he had it all figured out!

I have asked Al to post a virtual tour of the ugliest house in the historic district to our page, so everyone can check on the progress. He says it is about to start really moving quickly. I pray that this is true, as I am ready to see the potential with my own eyes, rather than just in my head. Check back in a day or so, to see if he has posted it.

We met our new OBGYN this week. He was great, his office staff was impressive, and we feel very comfortable making this change. The Lord truly went before us, and prepared us for them, and they for us. What a relief! Thanks for all of your prayers and concerns. I will get some more pics up of the kids later...

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